About Us
Welcome to our home page. Wombex, Inc. is a highly technology oriented company with a wide range of products, and development experiment. We can provide almost any kind of software development to our customers.
Development background
We have a wide and long term experience in development projects. We both made our own softwares and those ordered by customers. We have 15 years of experience in application development, mostly web based, Windows desktop and mobile platforms
New technologies
We are open minded for new, and therefor we like to use the newest technologies. As a developer we have programmers who can code in Java, C++, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL (functions). We are working using the following platforms: Windows, Web, Android, iOS and newly: Ethereum and Web3.
We can give you advices in many area of the IT industry. We can suggest you development projects, technologies and marketing goals.
We provide a wide range of software development services for our customers. You can choose from the following:
Web design
Web development
JavaScript development
PHP development
JAVA development
SQL development
Facebook application development
Android application development
iOS (iPhone) application development
Windows application development
DIX 2012 Ltd.
Hungary, 2330 Dunaharaszti, Somogyváry Gyula u. 54/B
VAT number: HU23845376-1-13
Company ID: 13-09-154835
Bank account: 12011856-01332858-00100001
Meet our team